The Dangers of Using Online Contract Forms
Everything is available at the click of a button via the internet. This includes free contract forms that are downloadable and can be used for various business transactions. These online contract forms might seem like a convenient, cost-effective tool to meet your business’s needs. You have probably heard the phrase “if it sounds too good to be true, it is probably not true.” When it comes to online fillable business contract forms, this phrase is appropriate. Sure, it might be convenient to use forms available at the click of a button, but these forms come with some significant downsides.
Using the Wrong Form
Even forms that are labeled might be misleading. Contract law is complicated and nuanced. The name of the form might not be the legal consequence that the parties to the contract are seeking. Names or titles that a layperson might think are interchangeable could have serious legal consequences. An experienced business attorney can make sure that the appropriate contracts being used and that they contain the correct language throughout.

Missing Crucial Terms Many form contracts use what is known as boilerplate language. This is a language that is inserted into every contract as a “one size fits all” situation. There may be language contained in these boilerplate language contracts, or language missing, that can alter your intended meaning and result of the contract.
Not Having All the Knowledge
Simply put, no one knows everything about any subject. When it comes to legal matters, it is best to go with an experienced and trusted attorney who has undergone extensive training to be licensed to practice law. When entering into any legal matter, you want to have the most information possible. Simply put, you do not know what information you might be missing, and that information might completely change the nature and effectiveness of your business contract. Not Meeting Specific Needs As stated above, many form contracts use boilerplate information that is not altered based on the needs of the parties using the contract. Each situation is unique and might require additional information or the parties to the contract might prefer that there be additional information or terms included in the contract.
Specific State Laws
Every state might be different in their use, interpretation, and contract requirements. When using a form contract, there is no guarantee that the contract is acceptable and valid in your state. Should an issue arise between the parties of a contract, you do not want there to be issues regarding the enforceability of said contract because it does not meet the requirements dictated by the state. At the end of the day, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced business law attorney when you are putting together any business contract. The business attorneys at the Law Offices of Kris Mukherji are here to help. We take the time to fully understand your goals with a contract so that your needs are met. You would not trust a doctor to work on your car, so why would you trust the internet for legal advice? Contact us today for a consultation.