Fraudulent Misrepresentation in Contracts As a business owner, you create contracts that specify certain expectations and requirements agreed to by..

Fraudulent Misrepresentation in Contracts As a business owner, you create contracts that specify certain expectations and requirements agreed to by..
Checklist Before Buying a Business If you are considering buying someone else’s business, there are many important legal and financial..
Special Needs Trust for a Child If you have a child who was born with mental or physical disabilities or..
What Does the Probate Process Entail? If a deceased person created a last will and testament as part of an..
Rights of Minority Shareholders in Small Companies Many small companies grow their business by selling shares of stock in the..
Things to Know when Entering a Partnership and How to Avoid Future Partnership Disputes All relationships can have problems, and..
The Pros and Cons of Putting Rental Property in an LLC If you have rental properties or are considering purchasing..
Estate Planning for Medical Professionals Every person should have an estate plan, however medical professionals have additional needs and considerations…
Jeffrey Epstein’s Last-Minute Will: Impact on Victims Looking to Collect From the Estate Unless you have not had to access..
Key Elements in a Buy-Sell Agreement and Their Importance Those individuals successful in business know that there is an advantage..