Forming a Naturopathic Doctor or Chiropractor Business in California

Forming a Naturopathic Doctor or Chiropractor Business in California

More and more people are turning to naturopathic medicine as a solution to many health-related problems. Because of this increasing popularity, more and more naturopathic clinics are starting to appear and many individuals are considering opening their own businesses to take advantage of the trend. The business needs to be formed properly. An experienced business law attorney, like the the Law Office of Kris Mukherji, can help to make sure the formation of your business is done according to California law.

A naturopathic doctor corporation is a professional corporation. The Naturopathic Medicine Committee of California recognizes this type of corporation in California. The corporation’s main function revolves around providing the best services to individuals seeking care through a naturopathic doctor.

Steps to Forming a Corporation

There are many steps that must be done in order to legally form a naturopathic doctor or chiropractor corporation:

  • Filing Articles of Incorporation with the California Secretary of State: The Articles of Incorporation are the “basics” of your business. The articles must include the name of the business, the purpose, shares the business is able to issue, street address, mailing address, and the registered agent of the corporation. There are many limitations and rules regarding the name of a business and who can be a registered agent. A business attorney can ensure you are complying with all laws.
  • Prepare Bylaws: Most every corporation needs bylaws that are the rules of the corporation. These are not a filing requirement of the secretary of state, but almost every California corporation has bylaws.
  • Appoint the Professional Corporation Directors: For professional corporations, the general rule is that the directors must be licensed so that they can conduct the professional activity the corporation exists for.
  • Board of Directors Meeting: A board of directors meeting must be held.
  • Stock Issue: Stock of the corporation must be issued to the stockholders.
  • Statement of Information: This must be filed within 90 days of the Articles of Incorporation
  • Taxes and Fees: all applicable California taxes and fees must be paid.
  • Obtain a Business License: Corporations must obtain a local business license and make sure that they are complying with any local laws.
  • Other Federal Obligations: If there are additional obligations remaining, these must be satisfied.

As you can see, there are many steps to forming a naturopathic doctor or chiropractor corporation. Each of the steps in formation must be done accurately and in accordance with the law. The Law Office of Kris Mukherji is here to help you with your business formation needs. We know that the key to a successful business is starting out strong. A business can not start strong without proper formation. Contact us today to get your naturopathic doctor or chiropractic corporation started.